
Operational Areas

We provide expert services supporting Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA), Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), Climate Adaptation Planning, Environmental Planning, and Sustainable Development.

Our company coordinates planning processes and facilitates the preparation of strategic documents as well as methodologies, conducts surveys and studies as a basis for decision makers.

Design and execution of effective public involvement and stakeholder participation exercises is a natural part of our work too.

Organization of study tours to present and transfer experiences concerning environmental protection and its consideration in development planning processes.


Our clients are both from the private/corporate and public sectors. We closely cooperate with NGOs, development agencies, state administration, private companies, and academic institutions.




Slovakia // 2018 // National Motorway Company of Slovakia

Completion of documentation based on analysis of the EIA process and documentation for ‘R4 Prešov, northern bypass’

Czechia // 2024 // Road and Motorway Directorate

Motorway D6 Petrohrad – Lubenec , D6 Lubenec – bypass stage II” – environmental monitoring project

Czechia // 2022 // Ateliér Cihlář – Svoboda s.r.o.

Spatial analytical documents of the South Moravian Region 2021 – processing of parts related to the environment and sustainable development

Czechia // 2023 // INNOVA Int.

Analysis of waste production potential for the municipality of Fryčovice

Czechia, European Union // 2024 // Ministry of the Environment

Analysis of LIFE projects

Czechia // 2018 // National Motorway Company of Slovakia

Completion of documentation based on analysis of the EIA process and documentation for ‘R2 Kriváň – Lovinobaňa’

Czechia // 2022 // Sweco Hydroprojekt

Notice of Intent for the Orlík Ship Lift Project

Czechia // 2023 // Asko Invest Tschechien

EIA/SEA 2023 Conference

Czechia // 2023 // Obec Měňany

Analysis of the waste production potential of the municipality of Měňany

Czechia // 2022 // RenoProjekt

Coherence Stamp for the Dívčí hrad Wind Farm

Czechia // 2023 // Technical Road Administration Prague

Elaboration of working procedures and operating guidelines for the investment section of the Technical Administration of Communications of the Capital City Prague, a.s.

Czechia // 2024 // Nadace Partnerství

Adapterra 2024

Czechia // 2022 // EKOLA group

Surveys and expert studies for VRT – Moravská brána I

Czechia // 2023 // PwC

Consultancy services: PPP Preparation and Tender Advisory Support Prague – Vaclav Havel Airport Railway.

Czechia // 2024 // Railroad Directorate

VRT MorBran

Czechia // 2017 // Road and Motorway Directorate

Biological supervision of ‘D6 Lubenec bypass’

Czechia // 2022 // EKOLA group

Air and climate impact assessment for ŽUP projects

Czechia // 2023 // Slezská univerzita v Opavě

Risk assessment of the EDEN Silesia project in Karviná-Lipiny

Czechia // 2024 // Solo Libera, s.r.o.

Photovoltaic power plant in the Vlastiboř cadastre – landscape characteristics assessment

Georgia // 2017 // Czech Development Agency

Business Plan for establishment of Integra Consulting National Office on EIA and SEA in Georgia

Czechia // 2018 // Nature Conservation Agency of the Czech Republic

Research and evaluation of compensatory measures for study of muddy river banks

Czechia // 2022 // RenoProjekt

Processing of documentation for environmental impact assessment (EIA) according to Act. No. 100/2001 Coll. for the project “Construction of wind power plants Třebom – Sudice”

Czechia // 2023 // Waterways Directorate

Announcement of the concept of the Elbe River Navigation to Pardubice according to Act No. 100/2001 Coll. and provision of related activities including documents for the amendment of the Principles of Spatial Development of the Pardubice Region

Czechia // 2024 // Technical Road Administration Prague

Process framework analysis of the organisation

Czechia // 2023 // Asko Invest Tschechien

African Wind Power Plan

Czechia // 2023 // Delta Projektconsult

Processing of a notification pursuant to Act No. 100/2001 Coll., on environmental impact assessment, for a plan to expand the KONE Industrial – koncern s.r.o. plant

Czechia // 2024 // Road and Motorway Directorate

D6 Highway Petrohrad – Lubenec, D6 Highway Lubenec – bypass, Stage II – biological supervision

Czechia // 2022 // Technical Road Administration Prague

Technical supervision in the field of vegetation maintenance in the TSK administration

Czechia // 2023 // Delta Projektconsult

Kone Industrial – koncern Ltd. – plant expansion

Czechia // 2024 // Sweco a.s.

Transfers of water from the Ohře River to the Vidhostice and Kryry hydroelectric power stations and transfer of water to the Rakovnický Brook basin – pre-project preparation

Czechia // 2020 // South Moravian Region

SEA of Regional Innovation Strategy of the South Moravian Region 2021-2027

Czechia // 2022 // Delta Projektconsult

Processing of notices according to Act. 100/2001/Coll. on the processing of environmental impacts for the project “Hornbach Praha Ďáblice”

Czechia // 2024 // Road and Motorway Directorate

Environmental monitoring for the highway constructions D6 Karlovy Vary – Olšová Vrata and D6 Olšová Vrata – Žalmanov

Austria // 2020 // City of Vienna

SEA for the Interreg CENTRAL EUROPE 2021-2027 Programme

Czechia // 2023 // Technical Road Administration Prague

Technical supervision for the of greenery management in the administration of Technical Road Administration of Prague City

Czechia // 2024 // EG.D, a.s.

Mapping and planning of areas for ecological corridor management (ECM) – Jindřichův Hradec

Czechia // 2014 // Euro Park Praha

EIA notification for ‘Residential complex Štěrboholy East’

Georgia // 2022 // Czech Development Agency

Analysis EGSIA or the implementation of the Sustainable Development Programme of the Aragvi Protected Landscape Area in Georgia

Czechia // 2023 // Technical Road Administration Prague

Technical assistance for environmentally focused subsidy programmes – Green-Blue Infrastructure

Türkiye // 2024 // ENERGO – PRO


Slovakia // 2018 // National Motorway Company of Slovakia

EIA notification of change for ‘R2 Kriváň – Lovinobaňa, Tomášovce’

Czechia // 2022 // Takenaka Europe GmbH

Biological and dendrological survey of the “PULS Phase 2” project site in the cadastral area of Chomutov

Macedonia // 2023 // United Nations Development Programme

Desktop Review of the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and Environmental and Social Impact Assessment Report (ESIA) for the Restoration of the Sateska River and Diversion to its Natural Riverbed

Czechia // 2024 // TA Infrastruktura s.r.o.

TA Renewables – screening záměrů projektů FVE

Czechia // 2022 // Naviga Advisory and Evaluation s.r.o.

Evaluation of the impact of the Operational Programme Transport 2014 – 2020 (“OPD2”) on the development of selected agglomerations

Czechia // 2023 // Sweco a.s.

Consultation on landscape characteristics impact methodology

Czechia // 2024 // Liberec Region

Landscape measures in selected parts of the town of Desná

Czechia // 2014 // Czech Healthy Cities

Consultation on strategic management

Slovakia // 2017 // Ministry of Transport and Construction

Methodical assistance in completion of EIA Report for construction of ‘D1 highway Prešov West – Prešov South’

Czechia // 2022 // Naviga Advisory and Evaluation s.r.o.

Evaluation of the effects of the implementation of 4 selected OPŽP projects

Czechia // 2023 // Výzkumný ústav Silva Taroucy pro krajinu a okrasné zahradnictví, v.v.i.

Processing of biological and ecological data, expert evaluation of impacts of RES development on nature and landscape protection objects, research of impacts and mitigation measures abroad, concrete proposals for measures

Czechia // 2024 // Road and Motorway Directorate

D6 Petrohrad – Lubenec, D6 Lubenec – bypass, stage II – biomonitoring

Czechia // 2022 // RenoProjekt

Wind parks Oderske vrchy – Preparation of visualizations

Czechia // 2023 // Meridian Nova Energie Ltd.

Preparation of EIA notification for wind power plants in the municipality of Hradčany-Kobeřice (Olomouc Region), Hradčany u Prostějova

Czechia // 2024 // Prague City Hall

Consultancy and advisory services on the application of the Do Not Significant Harm principle

Czechia // 2022 // Road and Motorway Directorate

Highway I/7 rest area Hora Sv. Šebestiána – preparation of EIA documentation according to Annex 4 of Act No.100/2001 Coll.

Czechia // 2023 // Road and Motorway Directorate

Biological supervision for the construction of I/9 Dubice – Dolní Libchava (Sosnová – II/262)

Czechia // 2024 // One Solar s.r.o.

Ensuring a Unified Environmental Opinion for the site k.ú. Pacov

Romania, Serbia // 2015 // European Commission

Ex ante evaluation and SEA of Romania – Republic of Serbia IPA Cross Border Cooperation Programme

Czechia // 2017 // GoodMills Česko

EIA notification for ‘GoodMills Lovosice’

Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan // 2022 // INTEGRATION Environment and Energy GmbH

Improving regional and/ or sectoral development plans based on strategic environmental assessments in the Aral Sea region (Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan)

Czechia // 2023 // Union of Towns and Municipalities of the Czech Republic

Methodology for the Do Not Significant Harm principles for the Union of Towns and Municipalities of the Czech Republic

Czechia // 2024 // BARRACASA s.r.o.

Preparation of the environmental impact assessment notification (in the scope of Annex 3 pursuant to Act No. 100/2001 Coll., as amended) for the Business Centre Karviná project

Czechia // 2013 // Stodůlky JIH

EIA notification for ‘City West – apartment buildings F, G, H’

Czechia // 2022 // Proconom Software s.r.o.

Procesní mapy – expert advice

Czechia // 2023 // Road and Motorway Directorate

Motorway D6 – Žalmanov-Knínice-Bošov “Environmental monitoring project”

Türkiye // 2024 // SUMODEL Engineering and Consulting Ltd. Co

SEA Turkey EU Flood Risk Management 2024

Slovakia // 2015 // Ministry of Transport, Construction, and Regional Development

Climate change assessment of ‘Feasibility study – update for the section Žilina – Košice – Černá nad Tisou state border’

Czechia // 2019 // Asko Invest Tschechien

EIA notification for ‘ASKO Pardubice’

Czechia // 2021 // Kareta Ltd.

EIA documentation proposal for determination of the quarrying area ‘Razová quarry’

Czechia // 2022 // EKOLA group

High-speed railway line Přerov – Ostrava, section Brodek u Přerova – Prosenice: biological survey, evaluation according to § 67 of Act No. 114/1992 Coll., migration study

Czechia // 2023 // Jistebník Municipality

Analysis of waste production potential and material flows in the area of interest of the project “Collection point in the municipality of Jistebník”

Czechia // 2024 // MICRONIX, spol. s.r.o.

Analysis of the linkages between EIA, JES (Joint Environmental Statement) and landscape impacts assessment

Türkiye // 2019 // Ministry of Environment and Urbanization

Consultancy for Supporting the Implementation of By-Law on Strategic Environment AI Assessment

Czechia // 2022 // Sweco Hydroprojekt

Overall update of the Waterworks and Sewerage Development Plan of the Moravian-Silesian Region

Czechia // 2023 // Ministry of the Environment

Consultancy services in the field of compensation measures for the placement of renewable energy sources (especially wind and photovoltaic power plants) in the landscape

Czechia // 2024 // Ministry of the Environment

Landscape Policy

Czechia // 2022 // Road and Motorway Directorate

Evaluation of the effects of construction I/13 Bílina, tunnel on human health, incl. evaluation of the influence of vibrations from the building

Czechia // 2024 // Letiště Praha, a. s.

EU Taxonomy – screening of obligations in connection with the plan to expand the terminal capacity of Prague Airport for Terminal 2 Expansion – Part 1

Slovakia // 2017 // National Motorway Company of Slovakia

Analysis of the EIA process and documentation for ‘R2 Kriváň – Lovinobaňa, Tomášovce’

Czechia // 2022 // PRAGOPROJEKT

Migration Study in the Ústí nad Labem Region – Stage II

Czechia // 2024 // Sweco a.s.

SECAP Pardubice

Moldovia // 2022 // Civitta Strategy and Consulting S.A.

Development of the Sustainable Urban Development Plan for the municipality of Chisinau, Republic of Moldova

Slovakia // 2024 // IPALA, s.r.o.

Klimatické iniciativy z pohledu podnikatelů

Myanmar // 2022 // United Nations Development Programme

Risk Management Myanmar

Czechia // 2024 // Stralsund, s.r.o.

United Environmental Statement for the project “Construction of a PV plant in the locality of Olešná u Rakovníka”

Czechia // 2019 // Asko Invest Tschechien

Air quality and noise studies for ‘ASKO Pardubice’

Czechia // 2022 // GEODROM s.r.o.

Evaluation of the digital technical map of the Pardubice Region – part of ORP Holice

Czechia // 2024 // Stralsund, s.r.o.

United Environmental Statement for the project “Construction of a PV plant in the locality of Řevničov”

Czechia // 2017 // The Krkonoše Mountains National Park Administration

Proposal of indicators for nature trends and tourism quality in the Krkonoše National Park

Czechia // 2022 // AGRECO G.E.I.E.

Senior Short-term Expert in Support to the greening facility in the field of the DG NEAR and SEA/EIA

Czechia // 2024 // VE Kobylá nad Vidnavkou, s.r.o.

Preparation of the environmental impact assessment notification in the scope of Annex 3 pursuant to Act No. 100/2001 Coll., as amended, for the Bernartice wind power plant construction project

Czechia // 2022 // Jistebník Municipality

Analysis of waste production potential and material flows in the municipality of Jistebník

European Union // 2022 // Civitta Strategy and Consulting S.A.

Technical support in ex post evaluation of cohesion policy programmes 2014-2020 financed by the ERDF and the Cohesion Fund (Work package 8 – Transport and Energy Network Infrastructures)

Czechia // 2016 // Prague City Hall

Expert support of project manager for Sustainable Mobility Plan of city of Prague

Slovakia // 2017 // National Motorway Company of Slovakia

Documentation for planning permit ‘Motorway D4 Bratislava, Jarovce – Ivanka North, compensatory measures (update 2017)’

Czechia // 2019 // Kayaku Safety Systems Europe

EIA notification for ‘Extension of Gas Generant production’

Czechia // 2022 // Krajský úřad Ústeckého kraje

SEA 6A of the Principles of Spatial Development of the Ústí nad Labem Region

European Union // 2016 // European Commission

Recommendations of methods and targets for report on the application and effectiveness of the EU SEA Directive

Czechia // 2017 // GoodMills Česko

Request for IPPC, basic and background report for ‘GoodMills Lovosice’

Czechia // 2019 // Ministry of Agriculture

SEA of Common Agricultural Policy Strategic Plan 2021-2027

Czechia // 2022 // Obecní úřad Milíkov

Milíkov – Basis for IROP project application

Czechia // 2022 // Enerfis s.r.o.

BREEAM Warehouse halls Ústí nad Labem

Kosovo // 2019 // European Bank for Reconstruction and Development

Cooperation on Green Cities Action Plan & Policy Dialogue for City of Pristina

Czechia // 2020 // Waterways Directorate

Impact assessment on the environment of the project Territorial analytical study for Elbe navigation to Pardubice

Türkiye // 2019 // ENERGO – PRO

Consultancy for EIA process for developing the Alpaslan 2 dam and hydropower plant on Murat River

Czechia // 2020 // Ohře River Basin & Vltava River Basin State Enterprises

Biological search for the project of the water pipeline from Ohře to Rakovnicko region

Croatia, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro // 2013 // European Commission

Technical experience under the Environment and Climate Regional Accession Network (ECRAN)

Czechia // 2019 // Ministry of Industry and Trade

SEA of the Competitiveness Operational Program 2021-2027

Czechia // 2020 // Municipality of Chrudim

EIA notification of the project Waste separation containers in Chrudim

Czechia // 2013 // Mudarro Invest

EIA notification for ‘City West – Isaac Newton House’

Czechia // 2016 // Prague City Hall

Study on environmental information update for Central Bohemia Region

Slovakia // 2015 // Railways of the Slovak Republic

Climate change and carbon footprint resilience assessemt for ‘Púchov – Povážská Teplá’ railway section’

Czechia // 2015 // Czech Railway Infrastructure Administration

Climate Change Impact Assessment for Feasibility Study of the Brno Railway Junction

Czechia // 2019 // Ministry of the Environment

SEA of Operational Program Environment 2021-2027

Türkiye // 2019 // ENERGO – PRO

Consultancy for biodiverstity conservation for developing the Alpaslan 2 dam and hydropower plant on the Murat River

Czechia // 2020 // AFRY CZ Ltd.

Hradec Králové Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan – environment, SEA

Czechia // 2016 // Prague City Hall

Participation at ad-hoc evaluation of the Operational Program Prague – Growth Pole of the Czech Republic

Czechia // 2021 // Prague City Hall

Biological assessment for the Štvanice island restoration project in Prague

Czechia // 2015 // Czech Healthy Cities

Coordination of expert work for the evaluation of category ‘A’ of Local Agenda 21 in Litoměřice

Czechia // 2020 // RenoProjekt

EIA notification for Třebom and Sudice wind farms

Czechia // 2019 // Road and Motorway Directorate

EIA Report for ‘I/13 Bílina, tunnel’

Vietnam // 2019 // German Development Agency

Integrated Mekong Delta Regional Plan in Vietnam

Czechia // 2020 // Union of Towns and Municipalities of the Czech Republic

Analysis of the needs of municipalities in locating the goals of sustainable development

Czechia // 2016 // Ministry of the Environment

Proposal of monitoring and vulnerability impact assessment schemes for Adaptation to Climate Change policies

Czechia // 2019 // Road and Motorway Directorate

Biological supervision, monitoring and updating of management procedures for compensatory measures (salt marsh) on the bypass of Mikulov

Czechia // 2020 // Road and Motorway Directorate

EIA for D7 highway – rest areas Všehrdy

Bangladesh // 2019 // Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change

SEA for Conservation of South West region of Bangladesh including the Sundarbans

Czechia // 2021 // VE Kobylá nad Vidnavkou, s.r.o.

Assessment of the environmental impact assessment of the updated VTE in the village of Kobylá nad Vidnavkou, including the assessment of the impact of the project on the Natura 2000 network according to § 45i of Act 114/1992 Coll. on nature conservation

Czechia // 2020 // Union of Towns and Municipalities of the Czech Republic

Expert activity within the team for cohesion policy of the Union

Czechia // 2020 // Vltava River Basin State Enterprise

Impact assessment of the proposed measures and the basis for the flood risk management plan

Czechia // 2020 // SYNERGION ALFA CZ

Application and basis for the extension of the EIA opinion on the intentions of the Nové Lublice and Bratříkovice wind farms

Czechia // 2023 // Ateliér Cihlář – Svoboda s.r.o.

Update No. 2 of the Principles of Spatial Development of the Karlovy Vary Region and evaluation of the effects of this update on the sustainable development of the territory

Czechia // 2023 // Nadace Partnerství

Adapterra Awards 2023

Czechia // 2022 // Nadace Partnerství

Adapterra Awards 2022

Czechia // 2020 // Municipality of Hodslavice

Analysis of the potential of waste production for the application for a subsidy from the Operational Programme of the Environment

Czechia // 2014 // Ecoline Environmental Assessment Centre, Yuri Gusev and Cristian Olarean

Assurance of participation in study tour to share experience on the application of SEA

Montenegro // 2018 // European Commission

Cooperation on the habitat mapping incl. analyses of results for Establishment of Natura 2000 in Montenegro

Czechia // 2020 // Petr Gross

Consultancy disposal of produced plastic waste

Czechia // 2018 // Road and Motorway Directorate

Cooperation on passportization of potential highway migration passages in the Ústí Region

Czechia // 2021 // Road and Motorway Directorate

Cooperation on inventory survey of invasive plants around highways and 1st class roads in the Central Bohemia Region

Slovakia // 2022 // NATURA 4.0 s.r.o.

Změna ÚP Koplotovce

Slovakia // 2023 // Radvise

Concept of application of SMART principles in the development of public policies / services of the Košice Self-Governing Region

Slovakia // 2024 // Slovak Power Plants

Fotovoltaic power plants – Slovak powerplants

Slovakia // 2023 // HBH

Highway R4 State border Slovak Republic / Polish Republic – Kapušany – migration study

Slovakia // 2024 // Ai-energy s.r.o.

Vulnerability assessment to climate change and climate risks for the project Photovoltaic power plant at the Nedanovce power plant

Slovakia // 2019 // National Motorway Company of Slovakia

Air quality study for ‘R4 Prešov, northern bypass’

Slovakia // 2023 // Jadrová energetická spoločnosť Slovenska a.s.

Preparation of the strategic document ‘Concept of wind energy development in Slovakia’ and Strategic Environmental Impact Assessment of the concept.

Slovakia // 2024 // WWF Slovakia

Study of the restoration of the Slatina stream in the town of Zvolen

Slovakia // 2019 // National Motorway Company of Slovakia

Analysis of the environmental impact assessment process and proposal for monitoring of ‘Rožňava – Jablonov nad Turňou’

Slovakia // 2021 // National Motorway Company of Slovakia

Completion of an Appropiate assessment R2 Šaca – Košické Oľšany

Slovakia // 2024 // IPALA, s.r.o.

Climate initiatives from a business perspective

Slovakia // 2019 // National Motorway Company of Slovakia

Environmental construction plan of control of its fulfillment for ‘R2 Šaca – Košické Oľšany, section II’

Slovakia // 2022 // National Motorway Company of Slovakia

Update on the impact of construction on the environment D1 highway bridge 229 left bridge study

Slovakia // 2019 // National Motorway Company of Slovakia

Appropriate assessment for ‘D1 Bidovce – Pozdišovce” and “Pozdišovce – state border SK/UA’

Slovakia // 2019 // National Motorway Company of Slovakia

EIA notification of change for ‘R2 Šaca – Košické Oľšany, Sections I and II’

Slovakia // 2019 // National Motorway Company of Slovakia

EIA notification of change for ‘D1 highway Houbová – Ivachnová’

Slovakia // 2018 // National Motorway Company of Slovakia

Overview of the D1 motorway routing from Košice city to Ukrainian border for further assessment of impacts on Natura 2000 network

Slovakia // 2018 // National Motorway Company of Slovakia

Routing analysis for the project ‘Expressway R2 Zvolen West – Zvolen East’ from the perspective of environmental impacts

Slovakia // 2020 // National Motorway Company of Slovakia

Environmental consultancy for planned highway corridors

Slovakia // 2018 // National Motorway Company of Slovakia

Analysis of the environmental impact assessment process for the ‘R2 Šaca – Košické Oľšany’

Slovakia // 2020 // BEL-HOUSE

EIA notification of change and environmental parts of the documentation for planning permit for flyover Stupava North

Slovakia // 2018 // National Motorway Company of Slovakia

Public Health Impact Assessment of ‘R2 Šaca – Košické Oľšany’

Slovakia // 2018 // National Motorway Company of Slovakia

Impact assessment on nature and appropriate assessment for ‘R4 Prešov, northern bypass’

Slovakia // 2018 // National Motorway Company of Slovakia

Migration study for ‘R4 Prešov, northern bypass’

Slovakia // 2018 // National Motorway Company of Slovakia

Impact assessment on nature and appropriate assessment for ‘R2 Šaca – Košické Oľšany’

Slovakia // 2018 // National Motorway Company of Slovakia

Migration study for ‘D1 Bidovce – Pozdišovce’ and ‘Pozdišovce – state border SK/UA’

Slovakia // 2019 // National Motorway Company of Slovakia

Appropriate assessment and inventory of habitats on ‘D1 Beharovce – Branisko, 2nd profile’

Slovakia // 2019 // National Motorway Company of Slovakia

Migration study for ‘D1 Beharovce – Branisko, 2nd profile’

Slovakia // 2018 // National Motorway Company of Slovakia

Revision of appropriate assessment for ‘R2 Zacharovce – Bátka’ and ‘R2 Bátka – Figa’

Slovakia // 2018 // National Motorway Company of Slovakia

Air quality study for ‘R2 Šaca – Košické Oľšany’

Slovakia // 2019 // Ministry of Transport and Construction

Assessment of the compliance of the SEA of “Bratislava Public Port Development Strategy Phase II” with EC requirements

Slovakia // 2020 // National Motorway Company of Slovakia

EIA notification of change for ‘R4 Prešov, northern bypass, 2nd section’

Slovakia // 2020 // National Motorway Company of Slovakia

Inventory and social assessment of biotopes D2 Rohožník intersection

Slovakia // 2019 // National Motorway Company of Slovakia

Project of revitalization of wetland Valaliky on ‘R2 Šaca – Košické Oľšany’

Slovakia // 2018 // National Motorway Company of Slovakia

Study on migration permeability for large carnivores in ‘D1 highway Turany – Hubová’

Slovakia // 2018 // National Motorway Company of Slovakia

Screening of the assessment process of the motorway ‘D1 Behárovce – Branisko, 2nd profile’

Slovakia // 2019 // National Motorway Company of Slovakia

Appropriate assessment update for ‘R2 Rožňava – Jablonov nad Turňou’

Slovakia // 2019 // National Motorway Company of Slovakia

Environmental part of documentation for building permit for ‘Highway bridge D1-229 Podbanské, left bridge’

Slovakia // 2020 // Public Ports of Slovakia

EIA – LNG Bratislava terminal

Slovakia // 2019 // WWF Slovakia

Consultancy for freshwater ecosystems protection, fish migration and river’s continuity in Slovakia

Slovakia // 2020 // SKANSKA

Expert documents for the preparation of the offer

Slovakia // 2021 // NATURA 4.0 s.r.o.

Environmental Impact Assessment of the Koplotovce project

Czechia // 2021 // National Motorway Company of Slovakia

Ensuring the development of environmental studies – D2 Crossroads Rohožník – Assessment of risks related to climate change, Emission study, Impact monitoring project on selected components of the environment and Notice of change of proposed activity 8a

Czechia // 2021 // Partnership Foundation

Searches of foreign databases of adaptation measures good practice for the Adapterra Awards

Czechia // 2021 // ČEPS Invest

SEA for the territorial study of power lines in the Zlín Region

Czechia // 2021 // Road and Motorway Directorate

Vegetation passport along motorways – area 2

Czechia // 2021 // Road and Motorway Directorate

Vegetation passport along motorways – area 1

Czechia // 2021 // Vítkovská Energy

SEA of the Vítkov urban plan

Czechia // 2021 // Ministry of the Environment

SEA notification for the update of the concept of the Climate Change Adaptation Strategy in the conditions of the Czech Republic for the period 2021 – 2030

Czechia // 2021 // RenoProjekt

Application for extending the EIA statement for the Dívčí Hrad Wind farm

Czechia // 2021 // Prague Technical Road Administration

Cooperation on the organizational directive determining the scope of activities of the standardization and control department

Czechia // 2021 // Ministry of the Environment

Biological assessment of the effects of the implementation of projects supported under the Operational Program Environment

Czechia // 2021 // Prague City Hall

Biological assessment for the project of restoration of the island Štvanice in Prague

Czechia // 2021 // Synergion Jívová

Application for extending the EIA statement for the Jívová Wind farm

Czechia // 2021 // Road and Motorway Directorate

Solution of alternative sources of non-potable water from wells affected by the construction of road I/22 in Strakonice

Czechia // 2021 // Enerfis s.r.o.

BREEAM rating for the construction of the Forest Garden Mezná hotel

Czechia // 2021 // Road and Motorway Directorate

Background documents for EIA for the rest area on the road I/7

Czechia // 2021 // Municipality of Chrudim

EIA documentation for the waste separation centre in Chrudim

Czech Republic, Austria // 2021 // Office of the Federal Government of Lower Austria

SEA of ETC Austria – Czech Republic 2021-2027

Czech Republic, Germany // 2021 // Bavarian Ministry for Economic Affairs, Regional Development and Energy

SEA of the Interreg Programme Bavaria – Czech Republic 2021-2027

Czechia // 2021 // Road and Motorway Directorate

Elaboration of drainage plans for the highway D5 in km 131.4-151

Czechia // 2021 // DIAMO

Updated appropriate assessment of the impact of the intention to increase the discharge of polluted mine waters on SAC Horní Ploučnice

Czechia // 2021 // Road and Motorway Directorate

Analysis of the possibilities of digitization of records on the state of property

Slovakia // 2021 // National Motorway Company of Slovakia

Finalization of the impact assessment on nature and appropriate assessment for ‘R2 Šaca – Košické Oľšany’

Czechia // 2021 // Southeast Europe Association

Background paper on Challenges and policies of environmental and climate protection in the WB 6

Czechia // 2020 // National Motorway Company of Slovakia

Impact assessment on nature and appropriate assessment for ‘R4 Prešov, northern bypass’

Slovakia // 2020 // National Motorway Company of Slovakia

Appropriate assessment for ‘D1 Bidovce – Pozdišovce” and “Pozdišovce – state border SK/UA’

Slovakia // 2020 // National Motorway Company of Slovakia

Migration study for ‘D1 Beharovce – Branisko, 2nd profile’

Slovakia // 2020 // National Motorway Company of Slovakia

Project of revitalization of wetland Valaliky on ‘R2 Šaca – Košické Oľšany’

Slovakia // 2020 // National Motorway Company of Slovakia

Appropriate assessment update for ‘R2 Rožňava – Jablonov nad Turňou’

Slovakia // 2020 // National Motorway Company of Slovakia

Environmental consultancy for planned expressway corridors

Slovakia // 2020 // National Motorway Company of Slovakia

Environmental part of documentation for building permit for ‘Highway bridge D1-229 Podbanské, left bridge’

Slovakia // 2020 // Ministry of Transport and Construction

Development of new technical guidelines for the road transport sector in the environmental field

Slovakia // 2020 // Ministry of Transport and Construction

Assessment of the compliance of the SEA of “Bratislava Public Port Development Strategy Phase II” with EC requirements

Slovakia // 2020 // City of Nitra

SEA and project management for the Sustainable Mobility Plan for City of Nitra

Czechia // 2020 // Road and Motorway Directorate

Extension of EIA statements for the D7 motorway

Czechia // 2020 // Road and Motorway Directorate

Passport of trees and groups of trees and evaluation of passage sections

Czechia // 2020 // Road and Motorway Directorate

Technical assistance in the field of the environmental management

Czechia // 2020 // Road and Motorway Directorate

Update of the analysis of the potential of waste and material flows for the collection yard

Czechia // 2020 // Road and Motorway Directorate

Consultation for felling and maintenance of trees on the road I/40

Czechia // 2020 // Selected municipalities

Analysis of waste production potential for subsidy application under the EU Operational Programme Environment

Czechia // 2020 // Road and Motorway Directorate

EIA for D7 highway – rest areas Všehrdy

Czechia // 2020 // Union of Towns and Municipalities of the Czech Republic

Analysis of municipalities needs in reaching sustainable development goals

Slovakia // 2020 // National Motorway Company of Slovakia

EIA notification of change for “R4 Prešov, northern bypass, 2nd section”

Czechia // 2020 // Technology Agency of the Czech Republic

Technical support in the definition, classification and delineation of floodplains in the Czech Republic

Türkiye // 2020 // ENERGO-PRO

Climate change resilience study for Alpaslan II Hydropower Project

Slovakia // 2020 // National Motorway Company of Slovakia

Health impacts assessment of 3 projects on the D1 motorway

Slovakia // 2020 // National Motorway Company of Slovakia

Appropriate assessment for “D1 Bidovce – Pozdišovce” and “Pozdišovce – state border SK/UA”

Slovakia // 2020 // National Motorway Company of Slovakia

Environmental part of documentation for building permit for “Highway bridge D1-229 Podbanské, left bridge”

Slovakia // 2019 // National Motorway Company of Slovakia

EIA notification of change for “R2 Šaca – Košické Oľšany, Sections I and II”

Slovakia // 2019 // National Motorway Company of Slovakia

Consultancy within the framework of control and environmental assessment of compliance with legislative requirements and quality

Slovakia // 2019 // National Motorway Company of Slovakia

Air quality study for “R4 Prešov, northern bypass”

Slovakia // 2019 // National Motorway Company of Slovakia

Analysis of the environmental impact assessment process and proposal for monitoring of “Rožňava – Jablonov nad Turňou”

Slovakia // 2019 // National Motorway Company of Slovakia

Migration study for “D1 Bidovce – Pozdišovce” and “Pozdišovce – state border SK/UA”

Slovakia // 2019 // National Motorway Company of Slovakia

Migration study for “R4 Prešov, northern bypass”

Slovakia // 2019 // National Motorway Company of Slovakia

Public Health Impact Assessment of “R2 Šaca – Košické Oľšany”

Slovakia // 2019 // National Motorway Company of Slovakia

Air quality study for “R2 Šaca – Košické Oľšany”

Slovakia // 2019 // National Motorway Company of Slovakia

Impact assessment on nature and appropriate assessment for “R2 Šaca – Košické Oľšany”

Slovakia // 2019 // National Motorway Company of Slovakia

Screening of the assessment process of the motorway “D1 Behárovce – Branisko, 2nd profile”

Slovakia // 2019 // National Motorway Company of Slovakia

Analysis of selected aspects of public participation in the EIA process

Türkiye // 2019 // ENERGO-PRO

Consultancy for EIA process for developing the Alpaslan 2 dam and hydropower plant on the Murat River

Czechia // 2019 // Asko Invest Tschechien

EIA notification for “ASKO Pardubice”

Czechia // 2019 // Asko Invest Tschechien

Air quality and noise studies for “ASKO Pardubice”

Czechia // 2019 // Kayaku Safety Systems Europe

EIA notification for „Extension of Gas Generant production“

Azerbaijan // 2019 // German Development Agency

Sustainable management of biodiversity in the Southern Caucasus in Azerbaijan

Montenegro // 2019 // German Development Agency

Data analyses of the habitat mapping results of the Skadar Lake National Park in Montenegro

Czechia // 2019 // South Moravian Region

SEA of updated Territorial Energy Concept of the South Moravian Region

Czechia // 2019 // Road and Motorway Directorate

Expert background materials for operational environmental management and maintenance of highway plots

Czechia // 2019 // DIAMO

Appropriate assessment for SAC Ploučnice and proposal of mitigation measures

Czechia // 2019 // Prague City Hall

Providing an environmental specialist to the team of the project manager of the Sustainable Mobility Plan of the Prague agglomeration

Slovakia // 2019 // Ministry of Transport and Construction

Definition of the procedures for assessing the environmental impact of the construction of railway infrastructure and the procedures for checking the EIA assessments

Slovakia // 2019 // Ministry of Transport and Construction

SEA review process of Integrated Infrastructure Operational Program 6.0

Slovakia // 2019 // National Motorway Company of Slovakia

Study on migration permeability of the area for large carnivores in connection with “D1 Turany – Hubová”

Slovakia // 2019 // National Motorway Company of Slovakia

EIA notification of change for “D1 Houbová – Ivachnová”

Slovakia // 2018 // National Motorway Company of Slovakia

Analysis of the environmental impact assessment process for the “R2 Šaca – Košické Oľšany”

Slovakia // 2018 // National Motorway Company of Slovakia

Consultancy within the framework of control and environmental assessment of compliance with legislative requirements and good practice

Slovakia // 2018 // National Motorway Company of Slovakia

Routing analysis for the project “Expressway R2 Zvolen West – Zvolen East” from the perspective of environmental impacts

Slovakia // 2018 // National Motorway Company of Slovakia

Overview of the routing of the D1 motorway between Košice and the Ukrainian border in terms of further assessment of impacts on Natura 2000 sites

Czechia // 2018 // Prague Institute of Planning and Development

Assessment of territorial analytical data of the City of Prague in relation to spatial planning documentation

Czechia // 2018 // Nature Conservation Agency of the Czech Republic

Research and evaluation of compensatory measures for the study of muddy river banks

Slovakia // 2018 // National Motorway Company of Slovakia

Completion of documentation based on analysis of the EIA process and documentation for “R4 Prešov, northern bypass”

Slovakia // 2018 // National Motorway Company of Slovakia

EIA notification of change for “R2 Kriváň – Lovinobaňa, Tomášovce”

Slovakia // 2018 // National Motorway Company of Slovakia

Completion of documentation based on analysis of the EIA process and documentation for “R2 Kriváň – Lovinobaňa”

Slovakia // 2018 // WWF International, Danube-Carpathian Programme

Feasibility study for improvement of fish migration in Turiec river

Slovakia // 2018 // National Motorway Company of Slovakia

Documentation for planning permit “Motorway D4 Bratislava, Jarovce – Ivanka North, compensatory measures (update 2017)”

Slovakia // 2018 // WWF International, Danube-Carpathian Programme

Strategic and Action plan for WWF Slovakia Freshwater program

Czechia // 2018 // GoodMills Česko

Request for IPPC, basic and background report for “GoodMills Lovosice”

Slovakia // 2018 // National Motorway Company of Slovakia

Revision of appropriate assessment for “R2 Zacharovce – Bátka” and “R2 Bátka – Figa”

Czechia // 2017 // Vysočina Region

Cooperation on SEA of Energy Concept of the Vysočina Region

Serbia // 2017 // European Commission

Expert training on EIA and SEA and guidance for the development of checklists

Georgia // 2017 // International Visegrad Fund

Training for Innovation Demonstration Workshops for Rural Community Development and Resilience Building

Georgia // 2017 // Czech Development Agency

Business Plan for establishment of a National Office Focused on EIA and SEA in Georgia

Slovakia // 2017 // National Motorway Company of Slovakia

Analysis of the EIA process and documentation for “R2 Kriváň – Lovinobaňa, Tomášovce”

Czechia // 2017 // GoodMills Česko

EIA notification for “GoodMills Lovosice”

Czechia // 2017 // The Krkonoše Mountains National Park Administration

Indicators of the state of the nature and the quality of tourism in the Krkonoše National Park

Czechia // 2017 // Road and Motorway Directorate

Optimization of environmental management and maintenance of highway plots

Czechia // 2017 // Road and Motorway Directorate

Eco-Audit and advisory panel of the Road and Motorway Directorate

Czechia // 2017 // Prague City Hall

SEA of Prague Master Plan (Metropolitan Plan)

Czechia // 2017 // Czech Railway Infrastructure Administration

Climate Change Impact Assessment for the Feasibility Study of the Brno Railway Junction

Slovakia // 2017 // Ministry of Transport and Construction

Methodical assistance in finalizing the EIA Report for the construction of the D1 motorway Prešov West – Prešov South

Czechia // 2017 // Ministry of the Environment

Preparation of the 7th National Communication and the 3rd Biennial Report under the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change

Slovakia // 2017 // Ministry of Transport, Construction, and Regional Development

SEA of Strategic Transport Development Plan of the Slovak Republic up to 2030 – Phase II

Czechia // 2018 // Prague Institute of Planning and Development

SEA of Prague Master Plan

Czechia // 2016 // Prague City Hall

Study of updating of environmental information in the Central Bohemia Region

Czechia // 2016 // Ministry of Agriculture

Evaluation of the environmental impacts of the Operational Program Fisheries 2007-2013

Czechia // 2016 // Ministry of the Environment

SEA of Climate Protection Policy of the Czech Republic

Czechia // 2016 // Olomouc Region

SEA of Territorial Energy Concept of the Olomouc Region

Lithuania // 2016 // Ministry of Finance

Country case studies for Evaluation of Impacts of EU Structural Assistance on sustainable development

Serbia // 2016 // United Nations Development Programme

Sharing and applying Czech knowledge for advancing nature conservation system in Serbia

Czechia // 2016 // Prague City Hall

SEA of updated Territorial Energy Concept of the City of Prague

Slovakia // 2016 // Railways of the Slovak Republic

Climate change assessment and carbon footprint of the Púchov – Povážská Teplá railway section

Czechia // 2016 // Ministry of Finance

Support of information exchanging about impact of the climate change and adaptation on national and regional level

Slovakia // 2016 // Municipality of Bratislava

SEA of Territorial transport general for Bratislava capital of Slovakia

Czechia // 2016 // European Commission

Cooperation between Environment and Climate Regional Accession Network (ECRAN)

Czechia // 2016 // Ministry of the Environment

Proposal for a monitoring system and assessing vulnerability to the impacts of climate change and adaptation to climate change

Czechia // 2016 // Prague City Hall

Cooperation on ad-hoc evaluation of the Operational Program Prague – Growth Pole of the Czech Republic

European Union // 2016 // European Commission

Advice on targets and methods tor the Study concerning the preparation of the report on the application and effectiveness of the SEA Directive

Albania // 2016 // MAVA Foundation

Compliance assessment of the EIA for hydropower plants on Valbona River and EIA Report of hydropower plants on the Dragobia Cascade

Czechia // 2015 // Czech Healthy Cities

Coordination of expert work for the evaluation of category “A” of Local Agenda 21 in Litoměřice

Slovakia // 2015 // Municipality of Košice

Impact assessment of the Strategy for the Development of Transport and Transport Structures of the City of Košice

Slovakia // 2015 // Ministry of Transport, Construction, and Regional Development

Comparative study of legal framework and practical application of EIA processes and follow-up decision-making in Slovakia and proposal of system solution

Slovakia // 2015 // Ministry of Transport, Construction, and Regional Development

Guidance for incorporation of climate change risks into existing planning processes for infrastructure plans and projects

Austria // 2015 // European Investment Bank

Participation on EIA and Climate Change Roundtable discussions

Tajikistan // 2015 // German Development Agency

Consultancy for Climate Finance Readiness Programme Support to the Tajik Government

Slovakia // 2015 // Ministry of Transport, Construction, and Regional Development

Climate change assessment of “Feasibility study – update for the section Žilina – Košice – Černá nad Tisou state border”

Czechia // 2015 // Ministry of the Environment

SEA of Strategy on Adaptation to Climate Change in the Czech Republic

Romania, Serbia // 2015 // European Commission

Ex ante evaluation and SEA of Romania – Republic of Serbia IPA Cross Border Cooperation Programme

Czechia // 2015 // Ministry of the Environment

SEA of Medium-term strategy (until 2020) to improve air quality in the Czech Republic

Czechia // 2015 // Euro Park Praha

EIA notification for “Residential complex Štěrboholy East”

Slovenia // 2015 // Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food

SEA of Operational program for fisheries development in the Republic of Slovenia 2014-2020

Slovenia // 2015 // Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food

Cooperation on SEA of Rural Development Programme of Slovenia for 2014-2020

Czechia // 2014 // Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs

Analytical materials and health analyzes for the towns of Litoměřice and Ústí nad Labem

Romania // 2014 // Ministry of European Funds

Cooperation on SEA Scoping Reports for the 8 Regional Development Plans

Czechia // 2014 // United Nations Development Programme

Study tour organization to share experience on the application of SEA

Czechia // 2014 // Ministry of the Environment

Cooperation on the in-depth review of the 6th National Communication of the Czech Republic under the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change

Czechia // 2014 // Ministry of the Environment

SEA of Transitional National Plan of the Czech Republic

Czechia // 2014 // Ministry of Industry and Trade

Cooperation on SEA of Secondary Raw Materials Policy of the Czech Republic

Czechia // 2014 // Ministry of Regional Development

SEA of Integrated Regional Operational Program 2014-2020

Czechia // 2014 // Ministry of Agriculture

SEA of Operational Program Fisheries 2014-2020

Czechia // 2014 // Ministry of Industry and Trade

SEA of Operational Program Enterprise and Innovation for Competitiveness 2014-2020

Czechia // 2014 // Ministry of Regional Development

SEA of Partnership Agreement 2014-2020

Czechia // 2014 // Region of Hradec Králové

SEA of Development Strategy of the Region of Hradec Králové 2014-2020

Czechia // 2014 // Mudarro Invest

EIA notification for “City West – Isaac Newton House”

Czechia // 2014 // Stodůlky JIH

EIA notification for “City West – apartment buildings F, G, H”

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